Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Grace Gospel Church gives prayer a high priority. We have various venues for people to choose from to participate in prayer.
Prayer Alert Team
If there is an urgent need, we have a Prayer Alert Text Message that is sent immediately to people on our Prayer Alert Team, asking them to pray. If you are a member of our church or a regular attender, this is one way you can be involved with the prayer needs of our church. Call the office for more information or to sign up.
Sunday Morning Prayer
9:15 am (before worship service)
The power of a sermon or a worship service may be determined more by the prayer put into it than anything else. Preparation for ministry is important, even vital, but it is no substitute for the power of God and His anointing on a ministry. We meet on Sunday mornings before the worship service to call out to God that we might experience His presence and His power in every aspect of our Sunday ministries.
Prayer Partners
After each service there are people available near the front of the sanctuary to pray. Whatever is on your heart, whether it be on how the sermon impacted you or problems, sickness, issues… whatever your burden may be, we would love to pray with you.