Women's Ministry

We hope you will join us for a time of fellowship and spiritual encouragement!

We have three groups in our women’s ministry that meet monthly:

GraceFull MOPS

GraceFull MOPS are moms of children birth-pre-k who meet monthly with other women in the same season of life. GraceFull MOPS encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church. Meetings are held the 3rd Saturday of each month. Childcare is provided. Please sign up to let us know you will be attending and if you need childcare on our monthly calendar.


GEMS, Graciously Encouraging My Sisters, meets the second Saturday of each month. The meeting is centered around a theme each month. There is a devotional, a time of sharing and prayer. Brunch is served. Check our calendar for meeting times and dates.


WALK, Women Actively Living For The King, meet the 4th Saturday of each month. The ladies go through a book of the Bible. Light Refreshments are served. Check our calendar for meeting times and dates.
Call the office if you have any questions or for more information 631-289-5495 or email Janice at admin@gracegospelchurch.com

Watch our calendar

There are many special events during the year!

Bible Studies and conferences. Watch our calendar to join us for the many happenings here at Grace.